(need to log into SteamRep forums to see the screen)
and in several other reports too
You could've posted the screen in that report, maybe could've helped
Wait, do I remember correctly that you had previous transaction with for about 90 keys and even left him +trust ?
Yes I bought 100 keys from him which went just fine. Before we traded he asked me if I would buy more another time and I said yes. That's probably why he didn't try scam the first time, looking to get as much as possible
Daddy Alex
But if you paid him the same way the 1st time then you have his name on the transaction as well?
Which could be used as a proof that he is the same scammer as in that SteamRep report and many others?
But it says Aharon babel in the steamrep report, doesn't it?
Are you saying you're not going to try again to stop him?
No, issue is that there isn't sufficient evidence. First of all even though it would be unlikely, it is possible that 2 different people have the same first and last name. Second of all, unless there is a report that has the name "Daniel Babel" in it AND was successfull in convicting him, backpack.tf will 100% not see this as valid evidence.
Daddy Alex
About a week ago I contacted another user who left him +trust and they confirmed the name too and even shared a gyazo screenshot.
I included the link in my report but unfortunately did not save the screen itself and the user later removed it from gyazo
BP admin mentioned that they would take action only if I still had the screen
Will they accept a cropped screenshot of a bank transaction?
He only ever mentioned his name on discord
Daddy Alex
I don't know but you could try
You could also make a report private
And maybe they'd accept a screenshot where you covered "private" part by another little window which still makes it "unedited"
"We will never ask you for your steam account name, this is your private information and should not be visible in any of your screenshots. It is recommended you cover it up with your friends list or a chat box."